Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Super Storage

Space is in short supply in my tiny house. And, anyone with kids knows that small spaces become even smaller when little ones leave their mark.

So, the decision to move our daughter into our tiniest of three bedrooms (8 x 9 - yes, that's tiny!) was made to make way for a new den/playroom upstairs. In order to move her twin bed into the new space we had to sacrifice the closest by ripping it out (pictures to come).

Eden's new storage plan starts with two cubby units (purple, of course!). The plan is to build a third unit that will fit in the corner and stand tall enough to house hanging items. The door will be a half-door that will swing out above the smaller right-hand cubby unit.

Now, I like my furniture to pull double duty - and, this piece is no different. So, I'm sewing up upholstered cushions that will lay on top of each unit. The longer of the two units also has a little desk that sits on a rail-type system. This way Eden can use the space as a little reading nook.

I'm excited to see what the green fabric will look like with the unit. I think it will be fun and bright. It should go nicely with Eden's new duvet cover.

The room is coming together!!

1 comment:

Mara said...

I love it!!! Carolyn you are a great artist!!!